Call For Submissions
Programming at A Space is determined through a jury process that revolves around one annual deadline. The gallery hosts Main Gallery exhibitions, Member Windows exhibitions, as well as numerous other events including screenings, readings, talks and symposia. A Space is committed to fostering discourse related to politically engaged work, issue-based projects, and technically innovative art practices. We are interested in multidisciplinary projects that create a forum for collaboration and transformation.
Click on the links below for information on each call.
Call For Submissions — Main Gallery –
Deadline June 25, 2024
A Space Gallery is accepting submissions to our Main Gallery for exhibitions in the 2024 and the 2025 seasons. This call is for artists working in all media and is also open to curatorial proposals.
Founded in 1971, A Space, located in downtown Toronto is one of the oldest artist-run centres in Canada. The gallery, located at 401 Richmond Street in Toronto’s garment district, features 1200 square feet of exhibition space and 120 linear feet of 10 foot high walls, with the ceiling at 13 feet. We pay artist fees to artists according to CARFAC standards.
A Space Gallery only accepts digital submissions. Applications must be submitted in a single PDF of less than 1MB that is Macintosh accessible. Please put all of your files, text and images in the same PDF so that you are uploading only one document. Title the PDF with your first and last name. No zip files. If you have a video/audio file, you will need to include a link in the document. A month before the deadline we will open the submissions page on our website (below), where you will be able to securely upload your submission to our server. The link will be closed on June 25 at 3pm.
NOTE: If you are having trouble uploading your PDF, please update your browser to the newest version and make sure your file is under 900KB.
All submissions must include in one PDF of less than 1MB:
- CV(s) with contact information
- Support material. Included in your PDF you may submit up to 10 jpegs of a combination of previous work and the work intended for exhibition. All images must be labeled with a corresponding image description of the dimensions of the work, media, title and year of production. You may submit a link to watch a 5 minute section of video or audio
- 100 word exhibition description
- One page Artist or Curatorial statement and detailed project description
- A list of technical requirements, equipment, and materials
- Additional support material such as reviews, if available
- Title the PDF with your first and last name
It takes at least four months for the programming decisions to be made. We will dispose of submission materials appropriately.
Open Call for Submissions
Call For Submissions — Windows –
Attention: Gallery Members
Deadline February 1, 2024
A Space Gallery is calling for submissions from gallery members for the A Space Windows. Located in the hallway outside the gallery, this exhibition space is a high profile public area. Work displayed here will reflect the gallery’s commitment to exhibiting innovative artistic practices by A Space Members. Before developing a proposal for this site it is advised that you become familiar with the Windows. Submissions must be site-specific and take into account the physical characteristics of the windows (4 spaces each measuring 3’9” wide, 5’7” high and 11” deep), the hallway in which they are situated, the proximity to A Space Gallery and their location in the 401 Richmond Street Building. Selected proposals will be exhibited during the 2024/2025 programming year. We pay artist fees to artists according to CARFAC standards.
Submissions should include:
- One page project description
- CV and artist’s statement
- Support material: max. of 10 images, title each with your name and number them corresponding to your image list.
- Descriptive list for visual materials (title, medium, dimensions, date)
- Email your proposal by putting all of your files, text and images in the same PDF so that you are emailing only one document. Title the PDF with your first and last name and make sure it is smalle then 1MB. No zip files. If you have a video/audio file, you will need to include a link in the document. Send the email to: info (at) aspacegallery (dot) org
Please clearly label your submission: Member Windows
For information call the gallery at 416-979-9633
Exhibition Assistance –
Exhibition Assistance Grants
A Space Gallery is a third party recommender for exhibitions assistance grants from the Ontario Arts Council (OAC).
We accept applications from anyone living in our zone who meets the eligibility criteria. Our deadlines are October 31 and January 15.
The complete guidelines, application form, map of exhibition assistance zones, and list of exhibition assistance recommenders are available on the OAC website. Please use the Ontario Arts Council’s new online system to apply.