The Language of Culture
Pamila Matharu
A Space Windows
September 7 – October 12, 2007
The Language of Culture explores notions of transgressive identity that stem from all insurgent borders and boundaries, be it physical, geographical, political, disappearing, and/or imaginary.
Pamila Matharu is interested in language and how it intersects with identity, geography and location. Thematically, notions of transcience, urbanism, and transglobalism are drawn from her experiences in an hyphenated world – challenging the idea of ‘being elsewhere’.
How do languages, nations, racisms, sexualities, diasporas, imply occupying another’s space? How does this co-exist within Canadian society, where we’re constantly spun in a bizarre fascination of post-9/11 issues of suspicion, fear and security based on the colour of one’s skin or the spelling of one’s name.
Pamila Matharu is visual artist, educator and cultural producer living in Toronto. Her art practice is informed by a mash-up of contemporary world culture that goes beyond limits, boundaries, and borders of all natures. She is a 2nd Generation South-Asian Canadian, born in Birmingham, UK and raised in the bland & beauty of the Toronto suburbs. The artist acknowledges the support of the Ontario Arts Council.