Individual Points of Fiction
A Space Windows
June 1 – July 14, 2012
Performance: Friday June 8th, 1pm
Giambattista Vico wrote that knowledge is a doing and, in turn, doing is an act of being. ARTIFACTS, known for its site-specific performances, deepens its relationship with/in space in Individual Points of Fiction. Patterson and Raudvee address the divide between, and notion of, progress as process/product and conflate the two so that in image making and in performance, they are occupied in the doing. Here they focus on the research component of performance and, if one can recognize artistic practice as performative, of studio practice. They study their interrelationship, their longstanding affiliation with A Space, and the corridor spaces at 401 Richmond. The exhibition deconstructs images from a hallway performance at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education – a site for arts-informed and educational research – and transposes them onsite into A Space Windows. The performance, expanding on this, reconfigures space as intersubjective and architectural. The physical space pixilates into discretely-timed moments. In “doing”, ARTIFACTS accommodates and rejects, deconstructs and reassembles art’s questions as an infinite horizon of diverse acts of autonomy.
ARTIFACTS, formed in 1983 by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, produces feminist collaborative works which combine the concerns of art and theatre; they have fused these two traditions into a unique hybridity. While concentrating on performance, ARTIFACTS has also created video and visual exhibitions. Research-in-process, doing-as-action define our practice. Performance works include: 606060 (2012), Palimpsest (2011), Homage to Margaret: Cleaning and Loving It (2010), Headaches 2 (2009), In/Valid (2005), The Voyage Out (2003) for Hysteria Festival, and Passing (2001) for 7A11D International Performance Art Festival.