Forest on Location
Margit Lukacs and Persijn Broersen
A Space Main Gallery
January 25 – February 26, 2022
Forest on Location is proudly presented by A Space Gallery and partner organization CONTACT Photography Festival with support from the Mondriaan Fund.
Due to COVID-19 we have postponed Forest On Location. As we continue to monitor the global health pandemic we will be making aspects of this exhibition available online.
A Space Gallery and CONTACT Photography Festival are proud to present Forest on Location.This is the first Canadian solo exhibition of the work of Persijn Broersen and Margit Lukacs. In their video, animation, and graphic works, Broersen and Lukacs consider the intertwined relationships between reality, media, and fiction. This exhibition is comprised of two of their video installations, Forest on Location (2018) and Mastering Bambi (2010), both of which take nature as their subject matter and work to unhinge hegemonic ways of looking at landscape. ASpaceCONTACTMay2020_ForestOnLocation_Web
Margit Lukacs and Persijn Broersen are artists based in Amsterdam. In today’s visual culture, fiction is usurping the place of reality. Broersen & Lukacs respond to this by creating video that present a parallel world of spectacular images that fully absorb the viewer in which ‘nature’ acts as a mirror for our media-dictated culture. Their films and installations have been shown internationally at a.o. Biennale of Sydney (AU), Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (NL), Rencontres Arles (FR), Art Wuzhen (CN), MUHKA (BE), Centre Pompidou (FR) and Casa Enscendida (ES).
Upcoming shows are at Rencontres, Le grand Palais (FR), A4Art Museum, (CN), Eres Foundation (DE), HeK (CH), Auckland Art Gallery (NZ). Recently their publication ‘All, or Nothing at All’ was released with texts by Juliana Engberg, Nat Muller and Alena Alexandrova.